Brooke Reid
Lover of dogs, food and the outdoors
About me
Brooke Reid is an audiologist who specializes in rehabilitation for patients with hearing loss or hearing disorders, such as tinnitus. In addition to providing care at the UCSF clinic, she sees patients at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. In her work with tinnitus patients, Reid uses the latest research-backed treatments and devices to help them manage tinnitus and its adverse effects. She enjoys helping her patients and their families understand the results of their hearing evaluations, as well as talking to them about options that will help them relieve their symptoms and relearn to hear the world around them.
By providing diagnostic audiology services for UCSF's otolaryngology – head and neck surgery clinics, Reid has assisted with research projects to improve management of otologic disorders, such as Ménière's disease (an inner ear condition that can cause dizziness or hearing loss).
Reid earned her doctor of audiology degree at the University of Florida. She completed a residency in audiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where she worked before joining UCSF.
University of Florida, AuD, 2017
Medical College of Wisconsin, Audiology, 2017